The Advantages of the Holistic Approach to Nursing


There are many reasons why the holistic approach to nursing is the best option for those who want to work in the medical field. For example, the holistic approach is based on the principles of ancient medicine and includes a focus on whole-body wellness. By incorporating these approaches, it is possible to provide quality care to patients that is both compassionate and effective. As a result, nurses can provide patients with more accurate diagnoses and treatments. In addition, this approach allows nurses to understand their patients better, which can lead to improved patient outcomes.


A holistic approach to nursing education provides several advantages. In addition to preparing prospective nurses to provide conventional care, it can also increase the adoption of preventative health measures among patients. Holistic nursing focuses on the entire person, treating the mind, body, and spirit. It teaches students to consider the patient’s environment, family, and culture when determining treatment plans. This is important because many illnesses are caused by factors outside of the patient’s control. One example of holistic care is using natural remedies to treat common ailments. Nurses can also promote a nutritious diet and other beneficial fitness regimens. Another advantage of holistic care is that it reduces the burden of chronic diseases on the United States health care system. Studies have shown that holistic care is more effective than standard care.

AHNA Recognition

Holistic nursing is a specialisation that is recognised by the American Nurses Association (ANA). An approach to nursing practise known as holistic nursing emphasises the health and wellness of patients. It is a caring philosophy that integrates knowledge, originality, and intuition. Holistic nursing is described by the AHNA as “healing the whole person” as opposed to treating people in accordance with their medical conditions. Florence Nightingale, who is recognised with setting the bar for patient care, is the inspiration behind this emphasis on the full person. To treat patients’ emotional, mental, and spiritual needs, holistic nurses are well-equipped. They are aware of the individual’s struggles and can help the patient heal by changing their lifestyle. Practicing holistic nursing can reduce the chances of burnout and compassion fatigue, two major risks of nursing.

Florence Nightingale’s Holistic Approach

Florence Nightingale is considered the founder of modern holistic nursing. She introduced the concept of holistic care in the 1800s. Today, it’s an accepted practice in modern medicine. The American Holistic Nurses Association defines holistic nursing as “a comprehensive approach to patient care that addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.” In other words, it is a focus on healing the entire person. It incorporates procedures of Western medicine and other traditions of care.

In the early 1880s, Florence Nightingale wrote an article for a textbook about health. She emphasized the role of nature in the healing process. She stressed the importance of pure air, clean water, and light.

She advocated strict precautions against germs. She believed that pathogens and parasites cause illness. Her ideas met official resistance and influenced the United States Sanitary Commission.

Limitations Of Study

A study has revealed some limitations of the holistic nursing practice. However, the results can be used to inform practice. Holistic care has been around for centuries, but only recently has it gained widespread acceptance as a valid healthcare approach. Despite its success, implementing holistic care in the current healthcare environment is challenging. One of the most important factors is the degree of integration in the care chain.

The benefits of integrating holistic care into nursing include prevention, treatment, and improved patient-health-worker relations. This type of care encourages respect for the dignity of patients. It can also improve the quality of care for all. However, holistic care delivery requires more integration in the care chain. For instance, nurses need to be educated on the benefits of providing holistic care and implement the practices in their day-to-day practice effectively.