Ensuring That Your Children Get the Best Possible Start in Life


Being a parent of young children is tough work. Looking after their material needs is really just the beginning of a lifetime journey. The rewards are great, but it can sometimes be a tough and rocky road to get there. In this context, every new parent wants to ensure that their children have the best start in life. A huge part of this involves making sure they are educated in the right way and develop in a way that is perfectly natural. For working parents, this is not always easy.

What Nursery Care Can Offer

Studies conclude that young children who attend day cares and nurseries are actually better prepared for schooling. Nurseries and creches in E14 offer the following benefits:

  • Literacy:It is important that children get a head start in terms of their reading and literacy. Many child care centres place a focus on reading stories to children and reinforcing early literacy, through activities such as learning the alphabet and sounding out letters.
  • Physical Activity:Developing both gross and fine motor skills can be a tough road for many children, but early learning in nurseries and creches encourages physical activity. This helps to develop gross motor skills.
  • Social Skills:Through play-based learning and simple games, young children learn how to interact with one another and get along.

A Good Foundation

Placing a child into nursery care is always a tough emotional choice for new parents. The thing to remember is that the education and activity provided in these early childhood centres provides a solid foundation for further schooling.